Friday, June 24, 2011

Get Strong Shoulders-Fitness and Health

Extension of the upper body, it is easier (and more effective) way to make your waist thinner. But you can get to lift the machine and lateral raises on its own. These four classic lifts your domain, the delta of the construction of the mass of your dreams.
AMENDED handstand pumps
Why it works: As the press on it, but you take your entire body, not just a bar, so you use more muscle fibers in general.
Do this: Take the position of push-ups, using his feet on a bench or boxes. Walk your hands back so your ass points in the air, and the body forms a straight line. Lower your body as far as you can or until your head touches the ground. These after your main lifts per day, using multiple sets of short series, and to treat such a practice the ability to make every rep is perfect and the controls. When your form starts to break down, stop.
Press the lever 

Why it works: Forcing a shoulder in time to take the heavy muscles of the shoulder at the same time trains hard blow all your base
To do this: Clean the end of the bar in the corner and the load on the opposite end of weight plates. Keep the tip of the rod in his right hand with your left foot forward. From there, the press bar directly above your head, twisting your torso to the left. In two or three sets of eight to 12 on each arm.

Why it works: You take the shoulder through a full range of motion and can lift heavier for the results of max.
To do this: Hold the dumbbells in front of the thighs widths. Seizing the momentum, but do not bend your hips, pull the bar in front of your body, lift the arm, while parallel to the ground. That the power you generate will allow you to quickly move the arm and press a bar at the top. Work up to two heavy sets of five to eight repetitions.
Dumbbell bench press 

Why it works: As in the muscle clean and press, you train the muscles through their full range of motion, but this time you do this to the instability of the masses added, so that your shoulders have more problems.
To do this: Hold a dumbbell in each hand and stand feet apart. Keeping your lower back in its natural arch, bend your hips so that the weight below and above the knees. Explosive extend hips and knees, and the "shoulders", pulling up sharply from his chest. Then turn your wrist so that the momentum carries the dumbbells to shoulder height. Press the extra weight. (You should end up in the initial position of the shoulder press.) Try them as your main lifting days and 3:58 sets of five to eight repetitions.

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